So I start doing 3d again. It all started in December when I got the opportunity from a friend. At first I hesitated. I felt like I wanted to do something else. Don't get me wrong I am still feeling that way. I am just back doing 3d rather then think about it from time to time. So January was when I officially started that project from a friend. It has been going slow. It contains animation and I dislike doing animation. I'm fine with subtle animation, but not when it plays a big part. So yeah it's been going slow. I feel bad for this and I hope by the start of next week I'll be finished with it.
Now these days I have been really driven into creating items in 3ds max. I have a couple of on-going mini projects. You may have noticed the bean/soda cans, the Marlboro box, AR-goggles and the most recent Soap. If not, you can find them all in the gallery. I'll post them under here for good measure.