First I'd like you to listen to this music while reading this post. I found it today while slacking (Yeah I search for new cool music as my slack time). I like this remix,and I thought I'd share it with you.
These images are just to show you what I have. Just a curious render at this stage. I was wondering how it would look like rendered with lights. And I also included AO (Ambient & Occlusion) renders with lights. Why? I don't know. The leafs on the trees are bothering me. I will fix that, but for the time being they will stay as they are (random, fake and ugly). Now the lighting I'll be going after are of the similar type of setting as the first image, sunset setting. I don't want that bright light in my scene. I'll have to get into the lighting as soon as possible as it will help me define the textures better too see if it works or not. So far no ivy has entered the scene, but I will come to that fairly quickly. While I'm working my way to "the other side" (pendulum), I will be making ivy's on my laptop. So I will be multitasking like this guy in the picture below.
At this stage I am texturing, but I have some more modelling to do. I will get back to that as soon as I am done with the texturing with what I have in the scene. Which is not a whole lot. I am not satisfied with how the ornaments on the first and second house turned out. I will have to redo them as soon as I can get the right textures from CG Textures. I really hate that 15mb limit they have! I have also not done anything special with bump maps. Only on the ground and trees. The ground looking flat and ugly.
I really need to fill this scene with a whole lot of junk. Objects like a ladder, boxes, barrels, wagons, festival flags, shed, more trees beyond the wall, posters, etc. Any objects you'd like me to put into this scene? Any suggestion would be happily accepted. Oh and yeah the ground is still flat and nice, but that will be taken care of tomorrow I think.
To finish up I'd like you to listen to this. A friend of mine linked me this song and wow. Wonder why this is not on his album. Feed Me is awesome so if you haven't heard his album yet YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT! Enjoy!
I really need to fill this scene with a whole lot of junk. Objects like a ladder, boxes, barrels, wagons, festival flags, shed, more trees beyond the wall, posters, etc. Any objects you'd like me to put into this scene? Any suggestion would be happily accepted. Oh and yeah the ground is still flat and nice, but that will be taken care of tomorrow I think.
To finish up I'd like you to listen to this. A friend of mine linked me this song and wow. Wonder why this is not on his album. Feed Me is awesome so if you haven't heard his album yet YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT! Enjoy!